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Health Coaching
What is Health Coaching? Health Coaching is a partnership between you and me. You are in control regarding the issues you want to tackle. We may cover many areas that affect your health including: attitude and self-talk finding your passion taking time for play improving your diet creating relationships that flourish handling stress with more ease incorporating movement, without setbacks taking time to care for yourself without guilt, so you are better able to take care of those you love.
When you are coached, possibilities open up. You will: 1) Be reminded of what you already know (like, you need to eat well and exercise in order to feel better). 2) Fill in the blanks where you don't know (What is the best diet for me? How can I reduce my stress?). 3) Keep you accountable to taking actions that will improve your health (which means you'll stop sabotaging your health!). In a coaching session, we go over your past goals for the week, analyzing what worked and what did not work for you. Then we brainstorm new options that fit into your lifestyle, setting new goals that move you forward in small, manageable steps. Finally, you are then held accountable to me for completing these small steps. The small steps build upon each other, so you make more and more progress each week. Over a period of time, you will come to incorporate new habits that will last a lifetime. The recommended minimum time period for hiring a Health Coach is three months. This ensures that new pathways in your brain will form, matching your ongoing lifestyle with your health goals. The length of our coaching relationship depends upon how many areas of your life need improvement and how quickly you can incorporate and keep the lifestyle you choose. The necessary changes needed to support your healing may happen quickly or it may take a little longer to get past any personal blocks you may have. Everyone is different, but your commitment to improving yourself is a must. When you are my client, you and I will wander into the realm of Life Coaching, because everything is connected: mind, body, and spirit. If you are not happy, it's pretty difficult to be healthy. As your Coach, I focus on what you need to feel like yourself again--hopefully even better than your 'old' self felt. Here's a typical scenario: You set out to get exercise 3-4 days/week. Then, somehow, life gets in the way and now it has been 2 months since you exercised. Can you relate? Or, you want to eat better--your intention is good, but it always seems to come down to "I'll start tomorrow." Sound familiar? This is where my Health Coaching Services will help you stick with exercise and a healthy diet (as in way of eating) that fits into your lifestyle. Plus, you'll be able to incorporate movement that aids healing, giving you more energy. Now, how good would it feel to be able to exercise and gain more energy, without sending you into excruciating pain for two weeks or leaving you feeling like you are wiped out? Private CoachingPrivate Coaching involves a one-on-one relationship between you and me. We meet by phone for 30-45 minutes, 3 times/month, usually the first three weeks of the month, depending upon holidays. In each session, we go over how your goals went for the last week, figure out what worked and what needs improvement, then come up with a plan for the following week, with new goals and renewed focus. You will be provided with email support between appointments, as needed. The fee for Private Coaching is $300/month. A three month minimum is recommended, but not required, to instill your new habits. Click here to schedule an appointmentPrivate Coaching Benefits for you include: *Focus on exactly what you need, when you need it. Fees for Private Coaching are $300/month. During these sessions, you will make progress like never before. This means you will be able to incorporate the lifestyle that you know in your heart is better for you. I understand the financial aspect of fibromyalgia and how tough it can be to invest in yourself, especially when you are unable to work. It's a catch-22, isn't it? But investing in yourself will help you become able to work again, or maintain the job you have, or get a better job. You can do this; you can find a way. It just depends upon how miserable you are now and how much you want to feel better. You do deserve to feel better--you must know and believe that. If you are serious about taking better care of yourself and willing to put out effort to regain your health, then I am willing to give you a complimentary Health Coaching Session. This session will run about 30 minutes and you will need paper and pencil to perform an exercise that uncovers exactly where my Health Coaching Program provides unique benefits for you. Then we'll go through an actual session. When we're done, if I think you and I are a good fit, I will ask you to be my client. My time is limited. If Health Coaching with me is something you may be interested in, and if you believe hiring me is a sincere possibility, sign up for a complimentary session below: (If you know you can't afford Private Health Coaching, read on for more options.) Click here to schedule an appointment Check with your insurance agency to see if you are covered for Health Coaching. The more people that ask about it, the more the insurance companies will need to look at Health Coaching as a viable option for lowering their cost in providing you health care. And studies show that Health Coaching will lower costs. Some days, I think that if I won the lottery, I would not have to charge for my services. But then I realize that if you get something for free, it is not as valuable, and you would not work as hard to utilize what you get for free vs. what you pay for. So, I can't provide my services for free. I'm putting out effort for you, so you will be required to put out effort toward yourself. To get started with Health Coaching: Click here to schedule an appointment. Feel like you have the discipline to improve health habits on your own? Try my
e-book of Health Coaching topics: "8 Proven Strategies for Living Free of Fibromyalgia"
. It goes over all the areas that I cover in a coaching relationship, so you can work on them at home, at your own pace. Remember, if you are having trouble sticking with the lifestyle goals that you set for yourself, give yourself the gift of a boost, with Health Coaching, the way of the future.
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